Wings and Wisdom
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Saved 3 Greys from older lady..

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Saved 3 Greys from older lady.. Empty Saved 3 Greys from older lady..

Post by groundpoundn2000 Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:54 pm

Hello all, I am a Blue and Gold lover...I was looking for a female for my Sunny when i ran across 3 greys in great health for 1500$ or going to be given to a breeder rescue...Or so i was told )long story).. I drove from fayetteville NC to Jacksonville Fl and paid 1500 and took the birds to Fort Gordon GA. Now i stay on base for the next 5 weeks and pay an extra 7$ a night for them to stay in here with me while i am in another Army school...

Im am trying to place 2 of the 3 for now with there cages for 1000$ any help or advice would be great..

Mac and Gabby are both 18 months old and have great feathers. No issues and whistle,talk and make several noises from what i am not sure but like electronics..

My back round is having a Blue and gold named sunny in the family since he hatched in 94...He is very mellow and cool....Love the bigger ones... Thank you again..Tim 310-994-5 zero 98 [img]


Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2012-11-14

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